CEO - Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities
WACC CEO Website |
CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities)
One-year course offered to juniors and seniors. It covers a wide range of business topics, such as innovative thinking strategies, product development, competitive advantages, business structure, marketing, financial strategies, record keeping, financial statements, business plan writing. Entrepreneurial thinking (out-of-the box problem solving) is utilized throughout the course. Twenty-First Century Workforce Skills, creative and critical thinking, collaboration, and communication are emphasized throughout the year. Students experience networking and business development firsthand. This course will take place in area businesses, and includes approximately 45 tours of local industry and 50 guest speakers from all areas of business. * Three (3) Dual credits with SVCC - BUS 260 Entrepreneurship Principles
Prerequisites: All students interested in enrolling in the WACC CEO class must complete an application which can be found at Any questions can be directed to his/her school counselor. Students will be selected by the CEO Advisory Board. Students who are selected to enroll in the CEO class must provide his or her own transportation to and from the various class meeting sites.
Entrepreneurship education seeks to prepare people, especially youth, to be responsible, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial thinkers and contribute to economic development and sustainable communities. The CEO program is much more than a textbook course. Rather, students are immersed in real life learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes.
The CEO class meets five days a week for 90 minutes a day and is a year-long, two credit high school course. |
is the standard for entrepreneurship education in the United States